PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: A unique industrial-strength chemical cleaner and degreaser concentrate that contains a neutral 7 pH rating. The neutral pH means that it does not contain acidic or high alkaline properties and thus is gentle for finishes that require a balanced cleaner.
TYPICAL USES: Aluminum/Vinyl Siding * Boats * Trains * Automobiles * Teakwood * Trucks * Fiberglass * Mobile Homes * Household, Industrial & CommercialPRODUCT ADVANTAGES: Zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions, non-flammable, biodegradable, non-hazardous, non-carcinogenic and economical. Safe for all fine painted surfaces.COLOR: Blue PHYSICAL CONSTANTS:* Vapor Pressure: N/A * Vapor density: N/A * Solubility in Water: Infinite * Boiling Point: 210 degrees Fahrenheit * Specific Gravity: 1.083 * Evaporation Rate: Water = 1, Less than 1 * pH: 7 - Neutral
APPLICATION: Method: Brush, Roll, Spray or WipeTheoretical Coverage: Coverage will vary depending on the dilution rate. Application Instructions: See Product Data Sheet (PDS)
SHIPPING & STORAGEContainer Type: 1 Gallon * 5 Gallon Pail * 55 Gallon DrumShipping Weight: 9.4 lbs. * 46 lbs. * 496 lbs.Average Shelf Life: 5 years minimum from date of manufacture when maintained in protected storage.
Call 866-874-8070
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Most orders shipped within 24 hrs.
Call for a truck quote on orders over 30 gal.